Thursday, January 29, 2009

Thank You!

Today my fourth graders threw a little party to say good-bye to me. I started crying as soon as I walked in the door of my classroom and saw the huge yellow banner the kids worked on for a week without me knowing. One mom was so sweet to bring in cupcakes and pink lemonade for all the kids. Then they gave me a class gift they compiled of all their favorite things for me to remember them by. The bag was full of candy, pictures, and cards. As I dug through it I found a book of letters they each wrote to me. Next, my master teacher Judy gave me a beautiful book she made of pictures of all of us. Below you can see me crying when I opened it. The rest of the afternoon I was smothered by hugs.

Thank you Burton Valley Elementary Room 40 Fourth Graders! I will miss you all so much and remember you all for everything you TAUGHT ME!


Cap said...

That is just too awesome, yo.

Carolyn Siemers said...

Even just being a class room aide for so many years, I developed such a love for those little guys. I was heart sick at the end of each year with missing them. BUT then a new crop of sweet happy faces appeared again the next year and the process started all over again. What a blessing the feelings of the heart are. It makes us human and divine.
They are blessed to have you in their lives, if even just for a short time.