Friday, August 9, 2013

My Husband the Filmmaker

Today I have to share how creative and talented my husband is.  Making movies has always been his passion, and I am so proud of him for pursuing it and making it a regular part of his and our life.

In his recent History of Creativity class at BYU he was assigned to do a creative project that related to a topic the class covered and contributed in someway to society.  My husband realized he loves watching Shakespeare (a topic covered a lot in the class) on stage, but when it came to recently watching a production of Shakespeare's Hamlet for the class on film he found it to be less than amusing.  He felt there was something about watching long drawn out monologues on screen that was not the same about watching them on stage, so he set out to create a monologue within a film that was entertaining for all.  I think he succeeded quite well in doing that.

Check out Matthew Siemers' latest film to see how he effectively makes a monologue work in a short film.  While you're at it and feel free to check out his other films from his very beginnings as a filmmaker.

Creative Project TECH 202

Films by Matthew Siemers

P.S. And yes, that is me in a cameo role as myself as his loving, supportive wife. ;)

1 comment:

Miller said...

And that's me in the "boring friend who doesn't have a life" role.