Sunday, June 28, 2009


So today in Relief Society someone made a comment about how to be a follower of Christ and the type of devotion we should put into that effort. She compared the type of follower she wants to be to the type of follower she and pretty much the rest of the world (we all know we're guilty) are on blogs, facebook, myspace, and twitter. She commented on how amazing it is that we'll spend an hour "following" what our best friend from 3rd grade is eating for lunch, but how little time we spend during an average day "following" Christ by learning of his teachings and being his disciples. Funny I how I just remembered this comment after blogging and trying to connectmy blog to facebook. Think about what we could all do if we put the same amount of time in on facebook as we do reading the scriptures. Just the thought of it is pretty empowering. Thanks, Arly-Lian, for your insight!

1 comment:

Matt said...

You should post the scriptures on Facebook or your blog!