Sunday, April 7, 2013


So Mawwwige has been on my mind a lot lately! And as my fiance Matt so eloquently put today, "I wonder why?" Could it be the fact I'm getting married in 19 days!?! Wowzer!

So I don't know what other people's experiences are like when it comes to preparing for mawwwige (sorry I just like saying it that way!), but for me I look it as something I really want to do well.  Now when I say that marriage is something I want to be really good at, I'm sure some people will jump to say I must be talking about fulfilling the 50's housewife stereotype...
part of it yes, but there is so much more to it for me than that. Let me explain. I have fallen head over heels for this guy.
Sexy, no? He makes a mean stir fry. He's smart, funny, spiritual, and a family man. He loves me even though I'm not perfect. He supports me in my endeavors. He makes me unequivocally happy. He loves life and he has so many passions: Star Wars, books, Lord of the Rings, Saving Private Ryan, movies, Brazil, his mission, and World War II to name a few.  He makes life fun and interesting! That is why I'm marrying Matthew Roger Siemers on April 26, 2013 in the Medford, Oregon temple and I can't wait! And because he is so awesome that is why I want to give so much back to him. I am on a quest to become the best wife I can be to Matt, but also for me because I know that if I strive to do my best in our marriage I will in turn will be filled with happiness, joy, and satisfaction beyond measure.  A happy, successful marriage is of course built on love and mutual support. As a result, I know that keeping a tidy home (yes, people, housework is important), giving emotional and spiritual support, giving affections of love, and doing so much more are so important to creating a happy marriage. I'm so grateful to be a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints for this reason.  In so many ways I realize that my knowledge of the gospel is still growing, but one thing I realize that I truly understand is the importance of the family in the church.  I understand better how husbands and wives are suppose to care for each other and it turn receive so many blessings of happiness.  I am so excited to start this journey with Matt and can't wait to see what ways I grow and develop as I learn to love and give more.


suzanne said...

I've given this advice over and over again - to my Institute classes - to my own kids - and to just about anyone else who will listen. Choose your husband every day. I make a conscience choice every day when I wake up to say 'I choose Paul. I choose to love him. I choose to be in love with him. I choose Paul'. Marriage is a choice - an everyday choice. I believe it has helped us to stay connected in a very busy lifestyle. I found myself a number of months ago feeling like I wasn't sharing my gratitude to Paul so I set an alarm. It goes off every day at 2pm and I text him something I'm grateful for - something he does - some character thing I see in him - usually something very small and simple. I think he kind of likes that! Well, you probs weren't expecting an epistle but I love being married. I mean really LOVE it! Best club in the world. And you'll be joining soon! Hippy Hooray!

Unknown said...

Love this idea, Suzanne! Totally stealing it!