This week I had multiple difficulties with parents of my students. First, I learned first-hand how difficult it can be to have a student come from such a dysfunctional family that CPS needs to step in - heartbreaking... I had another parent leave an angry message on my voicemail at work. So not fun. Then this Saturday at my basketball game I had another parent seemingly undermine everything I was trying to do. So in short, again, not fun.
But that's okay. I let these events get to me (Saturday afternoon I let myself have a good cry about everything), but after a great Sunday I'm refreshed and ready to take on the world. Bring on the week! :)
Everyone is so stressed and has their own agendas that we just need to never take it personally. I seem to experience this behavior a lot more than I ever have. And for the most part everyone has always loved me! ;-) You are awesome and perfect. Hang in there.
Go Sweetheart! You can do it! =)
Give me their contact info, Carolyns don't get talked to like that! No excuses to be rude.
Aren't you so grateful for Sundays! I don't know how people do it without that special day being special...
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