Sunday, April 7, 2013

Which religion is the most connected?

I have discovered a new love for spread of opinions, ideas, and news on the world wide web.  I love how an article can be shared instantly with thousands of people that never may have been able to access it in the first place.  This opens up the conversation to so many more trains of thoughts.  Wanting to jump in on the conversation on a small or large scale has led me to get back into blogging as well.

An article that caught my attention this evening was this one Are Mormons the most connected? If any of you watched general conference today and jumped on Facebook at the same time you probably noticed that a wave of people were posting quotes and thoughts from their favorite talks.

Here is one of my favorite quotes from the article:
"Hunter Schwarz, an Associate Editor for the social media news site BuzzFeed, and also a member of the LDS Church, has been tweeting about conference all weekend with observations that seem aimed at guiding his readers unfamiliar with General Conference. One tweet Sunday afternoon noted:
More people are tweeting about Elder Jeffrey R. Holland than will i am right now. #LDSConf— Hunter Schwarz (@hunterschwarz) April 7, 2013"

However, the article does go on to answer the question that Mormons are not the most connected:

"Mormons may not be the most connected people on the web, but they have clearly embraced it as a method of communication and connection ideal for a world-wide church."

It is still pretty cool to be able to see so many, particularly young, express their excitement for their faith more so than for the latest party or sporting event.

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