Saturday, December 6, 2008

one afternoon...

Sometimes Saturday afternoons roll around I get completely distracted from what I should be doing. By this time of day, if I'm not out do something, I may find myself tensing up a bit as I realize how much there is to be done before Sunday can roll around. May way to deal with the pressure - get distracted on the internet, somehow everything you need to do always finds a way to get done. Yet often times, on days like these, I find myself just wanting to be able to fully partake in the world I often miss out in during the week. Therefore, Saturday is my day to see what everyone has been up to - plan get-to-togethers and read up on friends' blogs. As I read through others' blogs I am inspired by how much people have to share. How wonderful it is to have a venue such as this to share our thoughts that otherwise may never be heard, remember events that have shaped our lives, and express our love and appreciation for others. I look forward to the challenge of putting together a collection of thoughts and stories worthy enough to distract you from your everyday concerns.

1 comment:

Jessie said...

yay for having a blog, care!!! i'm so excited to read about all your recent happenings!! i miss you! call me with updates soon ;)