In no particular order I am revealing the next person I wish to showcase and wish a Merry Christmas to, MICAELA! How did I live the first 21 years of my life without knowing Micaela? I can talk for hours with her. What what (shrug shoulders back and forth while saying it) - this is just one of her signature sayings. There is too many more to name. Like how she comes up with nicknames for her friends. I'm Care Bear, Ang is Ang Panj, and Ash is Ash Can. I even find it awesome of her to give Matt the nickname of MDawg because she likes him so much. Having her approval of my boyfriend means a lot, as she will often to let you know she is always looking out for the best interest of her friends. These are just cute names, but the fact she takes the time to call us by those shows how much she cares. There needs to be a special nickname for her to emphasize how much fun she is. I crack up all the time around this girl. Like when she sends me random messages saying, "Care Bear! I'm already in my pjs". Such randomness is what makes the world go around.
The first time I met Micaela I was sitting in SFO in the international terminal waiting to fly to Australia for a whole month. Angela and I were anticipating the long flight ahead. As we speculated about what our experience was going to be like, two bright shining faces came towards us or maybe, if I remember right, they were probably actually arguing like a married couple as they always do. Little did I know these lovely ladies, Kristine and Micaela, would become our greatest friends on the trip.
Micaela seems to have no shortage of energy or love. Her love extends not only to her friends but also to the sweetest marsipual in the animal kingdom, the koala. I cannot tell you how excited I get when Micaela comes over. I am so grateful Ang has been so good about making sure Micaela comes to see us. I could talk to Micaela for hours. Sometimes I get my daily dose of gossip from her, other times she just cracks me up with stories, but one of my sweetest memories was a heart-to-heart her and I had not long after we got back from Australia. I don't even know if she remembers it, I admit I don't even remember everything we talked about, but what I do remember was how comfortable I felt around her. When we were in Australia Micaela and I could finish each others thoughts so she kept saying, "Siemon" I really don't know how to spell that but it means in English, "We understand each other." This lends well to the career I know she will one day thrive at. She just graduated with me in May from Saint Mary's. Right now she is living here in Moraga and working (Yeah! That she is still around). Someday she hopes to have her own practice as a therapist. She is going to be fabulous. A great sense of humor, an amazing ability to listen, and a huge caring heart will make her a great success at anything she does. That is why I love her so much! Merry Christmas, Micaela!
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