So tomorrow I'm going to give this little motivational tool I try. This week we will be taking our 2nd ELA benchmark assessment. Since I just administered an ELA theme test last week I knew I was going to need something to get these kids excited about "taking another test." blah...
This is how it will work. I will present the bag at the beginning of the week as we begin our review for it. I will explain that for each section of the test (e.g., Vocabulary and Concept Development, Reading Comprehension, etc) students pass they can are earn a raffle ticket. The more sections they pass the more raffle tickets they earn, the more raffle tickets the better the chance they have to win the Awesome Reader Bag. I'll put all the tickets into a raffle on Friday. The winner of the raffle wins the bag full of prizes from Bridwell Bucks to pencils to candies. Love this idea! So excited to try it out!
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