Having said all of that it is time to reveal the next person I would like to wish Merry Christmas to and thank for being such a wonderful example to me in my life, Cap! I met Cap probably about 5 years ago (man, time flies). If I remember right we probably didn't say that much to each other as Cap was often pretty quite and I had a tendency to hang back when meeting new people for the first time. For the most part I would say our relationship would be characterized by not a whole lot of talking. That's why I was so shocked when few years ago when Cap was a freshmen in college he had to write a paper about a person he knew was a convert to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I was so honored when he got a hold of me and asked if he could write it about me. I then did my best to recount my story. It was so touching to then be able to receive a copy of that paper. To have someone take such a genuine interest in you enough to write a paper about you is definitely one of those true honors you never forget. Cap later honored me again by calling me first when he got his mission call to Auckland, New Zealand. He hadn't even told his parents yet. Again Cap blew me away by honoring me with the chance to hear where he was going. I think that's why Cap is so awesome. He just makes you feel special. He has no special agenda of his own. He doesn't do things because he is looking out for himself. He just has a sweet, unassuming way about him to put others first. Cap recently got back from his mission and we had a brief moment to talk not long after he got back. He talked about how much he has grown, how he recognizes how shy he was in the past and how great it has been to come out of his shell, and how much he looks up to great leaders in his life. I think all of these things characterize what I'm trying to say about Cap, which is basically Cap is awesome and I've been blessed to have such a wonderful friend in my life. I know Cap will always be one of those sturdy friends I can always count on. He is just one of those types of people you can call anytime and he'd listen. I have a feeling Cap is destined for really great things as a leader. The people who have been great leaders in my life have been the ones who make you feel special and then are so humble enough to lead by a quiet example. Yep, Cap definitely has the makings of a great leader. Oh and by the way, that boy can write and act. My roommates and I are very impressed by his acting ability as Bert Jones in Ghetto Eskimo Again. We're looking forward to what him and Matt come up with for Ghetto Eskimo Continues (Both him and Matt will be so happy I just put a plug in for their movie). Merry Christmas, Cap! I cannot wait to see you in a few short days!